The cursor on the screen blinks....over and over again....
So many words, so much sentiment, emotions are passing through me...
Yet how many will actually understand any of it?
We can't phantom what anyone is experiencing or going through, yet we use this statement to punish those around us who are also enduring a pain much deeper but can we see it?
A spiritual pain will never punish anyone else by burdening others of what they are enduring. A materialistic pain will point fingers, will blame and will accuse those around them for not being compassionate to what they are going through.
Ask the question: are we experiencing a spiritual pain that allows us to be unconditional, compassionate and embrace other's ignorance or are we experiencing a materialistic pain, a pain and fear of letting go of a material (money, house, person, power, status etc.) that we rather push away, punish and blame others for what we cannot let go of?
How many years do we have? How many months do we have? How many days do we have? How many breath do we have? Realistically, just one breath. We don't even have tomorrow, next week, next month or even next year! If on your next breath you lose money, you lose your status, you lose your ego, you lose your house, you lose your home, you lose your love one, you lose your life....would it matter?
What hinders our growth for kindness and love? What hinders our spirit from feeling calm and peace?
My tears flow because I miss. I miss being with you. I miss your voice. I miss that we only have memories and cannot make more memories together.
My body is tired from doing so much to try to maintain some stability, calm and peace for those around me.
My spirit is exploding and expanding from the laughter from mom and dad, from the kids. From the silly jokes, riddles, behaviors. From the conversations and chats that I will not have tomorrow, but only now.